
The future of solar panel cars
24 Oct 2018Uncategorized

Not too long ago, it was considered absurd to think that a car could be powered by electricity instead of the usual fuels to which we have become accustomed. Today, however, we have seen a number of well-known and respected vehicle manufacturers produce both hybrids and electric cars. We have also noticed a new trend involving solar power. Instead of just using solar power in our homes and businesses, what about powering our cars with solar energy? Thanks to all the innovative ideas and developments surrounding solar power and vehicles, it’s highly likely that we will see solar powered cars become the next hottest trend.

The first solar-powered car

The first fully solar car was designed in 2014. This vehicle was able to travel an impressive 500 miles on a single charge and it was the first solar-powered car designed for everyday use by regular families. This vehicle may not have been all that attractive, but it certainly lived up to its purpose.

Hybrids help us move in the right direction

solar panel carsBefore electric cars became possible, we relied on hybrids. These hybrids were great because they allowed us the ability to benefit from an electric-powered vehicle without worrying about running out of fuel. This was especially the case when electric recharging facilities were few and far between. The same can be said for solar-powered vehicles. Many people prefer to opt for a hybrid as a way of ‘easing’ into the new technology. It provides even the most skeptical of consumers that crutch they need in order to take the next step.

The 2010 Toyota Prius was their first model to include a solar-powered cooling system. This system is designed to operate separately from the motor of the vehicle and it automatically turns on when the interior of the car exceeds 68 degrees Fahrenheit. The panels used in the Prius, however, are not like those used in some other full solar-powered cars. They have been incorporated into the design which means that the aesthetics of the vehicle have been preserved. That said, it’s important to understand the solar power capacity of the Prius versus other, less aesthetically pleasing solar panel cars.

Increasing demand

future of solar panel carsWhile many may refer to climate issues as their reason for choosing cleaner forms of transport, there are so many other advantages too. Renewable energy sources are far cheaper in the long run and the amount of pollution can be dramatically reduced. For those who suffer from allergies, for example, reducing air contaminants will make a tremendous difference in their quality of life. It’s also a handy development for those who live in remote areas where filling stations are a significant distance from their home.  Technology usually follows the flow of demand. Since there is a clear demand for solar-powered vehicles, it should come as no surprise that manufacturers around the world will soon be competing in this area. This sort of competition is fantastic for the consumer since it will mean that better, more effective, and more efficient solar technology will also become available for everyone to enjoy.

For more information on how our solar panel technology can make all the difference in your home or business, call Vert Globe today at (647) 977-9097.